Patrick Burac Mendoza"You hate Filipino's for the Hostage Fiasco earlier this week, right? Then
should I hate Chinese people for Lead Poisoning and Melamine Contamination,
wherein not only 8, but hundreds and even thousands have suffered, Is it right
to blame the whole Nation for a mistake of one man? If you do then you are most
DENSE. No Arguements just Opinions. Pass this to all Filipino's you know.
- Text Message, Anonymous Sender"
Last August 23, a supposed day of fun and sightseeing, ended up to a brutal mass murdering and injury of several Hong Kong (Chinese) Nationals because of a police in a state of amok and stress due to sudden loss of his rights to fulfill his duty as a Law Enforcer and at the same time receiving all the benefits that he deserves, for serving his country.
A stressful day that resulted not just in the death of the assailant but also some hostages. This incident lead into a fragile breakage of treaty between neighbouring country. This awful accident could have been avoided if the negotiators exerted more efforts and cautions and if they just gave the demands of Senior Inspector Rolando Mendoza. Technically speaking they used tactics to try and resolve the issue, but this resolution is so Illogical. Now as we look back and scrutinize every details. Those people who are totally involve keeps on pushing the issue from one side to another, hands cleaning as what other say, not claiming that they are guilty or nevertheless responsible for the actions of there subordinates for the outcome of the Hostage Fiasco. Come think of it one of the cause of Hysteria of the Hostage-Taker, is when he saw on TV that his Brother SPO2 Gregorio Mendoza, who is actually prt of the Negotiating Team being arrested because of an alleged Conspiracy with his Brother with the entire Hostage Drama.
Even the President claimed all the responsibility for which is really righteous for He is the Nations Father, however, he should punish the Head of the Department which is directly involve in the Hostage Drama in Quirino Grand Stand, because no matter how Good the President is, but if the people around him only thinks of self-interest. Philippines Development is really impossible.
Being on the shoes of the Hong Kong Nationals, we Filipino really symphatize for there loss. We are also upset on how this dilemma ended. On my point of view, the Filipino Nation should be blamed for this. No one wants this to happen, and security wise this Hostage Fiasco is a very rare case and can occur not only in the Philippines but also in other parts of the world. Looking back No one blamed the Chinese Nations for the global effect of the Melamine Scare and the Lead Contamination that resulted not just on death of hundreds but also thousands of people. Did the Chinese Society hear any complaints from the affected people. I'm not pointing that this is just becoming equal, what I want everyone to understand is no one really wants ans wish this to happen. Let's just think that the Almighty has a better plan for All of Us. Remember that infront of turmoils and darkness of the night a better and brighter tomorrow is waiting. In all storms eye once it stops, the sun will shine and a rainbow of hope will flatter the sky. What is left for us to do, is to cherish what we have today and use it to make a future better. Let's stop hatred because it won't do us any good, as what Martin Luther King Jr. said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction ... The chain reaction of evil--hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars -- must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation." Well, I just hope that everyone learns from this.
written September 07, 2010 at around 12:00 pm 01:55 pm.