As I watch the episode of convergence last Thursday, I was so amazed to see all the innovations of mankind being showcased to help save Mother Nature and ease climate change. first stuff is the electric cars that is being developed by foreign car manufacturers to lessen the emission of deadly gas such as carbon monoxide that destroys the balance of our atmosphere and contributes to Global Warming, next is the efforts of the Filipino people to help save Mother Earth by using Electric Jeepneys and Electric Motorcycles which are one of the main means of transportation here in the Philippines however this technology is only available in small part of the country and is being used for sight seeing and there’s this Filipino guy who invented a device to lessen the emission of harmful gas and to completely burn the petroleum being used by cars to make sure that less carbon monoxide is being released in the atmosphere and it also conserves the petrol being used by motorists, he stated that in order to completely burn the petrol it requires 1 atom of gas and 15 percent of air, but in reality the percentage is only about 1:5 so it lacks 10 percent, so that’s why it doesn’t completely burn the car gas, that means more Petroleum gas being used and more harmful gas in the air. So the man created a device that will help cars motor to burn the Petrol completely. That invention is now being purchased by well-developed countries for them to use it however the inventor didn’t take their offer because he wants his fellow man to benefit from that innovation, isn’t that soooo nationalistic, but I do hope that our government will look upon and value this invention and unlike those previous invention which yes was look upon however was not given any priority of our government so what the inventor did is that he sold the technology to a country which is willing to pay and use the innovation for the sake of their country, hope they change even just a bit. (sorry for the wrong grammar.September 12, 2009 Saturday 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm re-post to this site last 5:12 PM 4/24/2002)