JEJEMON (dye-dye-mon)- a person WhO tyPeZ lYKeS tH1s. whether you are RICH, MIDDLE CLASS or POOR ifpK eU tYpE L1K3 tHiS, eU are CONSIDERED AS JEJEMON.(noun or adj.) a person who is very expert in typing.. - a person that nevr gets tired of typing consonants in all of his comments... - people with very LOW IQ - a person that destroys the morale of language in any typing media like internet,cellphones...etc... - a person you want to fuck off and kill - an emo/gangster who owns all the possible negative qualities of a person.(from http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jejemon)
A Jejemon is a person or group of people who communicate with other people (Jejemons or Non- Jejemons) in a different way. For some critics these is a creative way of communication. But to some it's very alarming. Recently Jejemo's dominated the Mass Media, Telecommunications and the world wide web. There has been a lot of News Articles, Documentaries, and blog entries (usch as this one) created by Jejemons and keen observer, to describe the way how Jejemons and non-jejemons interact with each other. Personally, I have checked some websites regarding jejemons. This website for example http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jejemon, says that Jejemons are Filipino guys who is characterized with Low IQ and call themselves "GANGZTAH", furthermore if you'll receive an SMS, an e-mail, or a PM on Social Networking Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Friendster,and MySpace, etc., in this manner - Ustah? c4n eu v3 mah thxtm8?" - this only means that this is composed and sent by a Jejemon.
This News became a center of ridicule for the Filipino Culture as what critics claims, this group of people call themselves Jeje-Buster or Anti-Jejemon, they actually commits on eliminating any sign up jejemons in the world wide web. They keep on saying harsh things about Jejemons. Even Educators disagree with the use of the Jejemon Vocabulary,because it has an effect with the way how students contruct their sentences, sometimes they misspell a word. This only imply that having a Jejemon tongue will result in becoming a grammatically incorrect and the use of it is against all the norms of speaking and writing.
But the Jejemons gained support from sociologist and people who contributed and enriches our language and culture. One of them is Mr. Jose Maria Flores Lacaba , popularly known as Pete Lacaba, is a multi-awarded Filipino film writer, editor, poet, screenwriter, journalist and translator , says we don't need to treat Jejemons badly, the way they commence with other people only shows that our Language is alive and being enriched. Lacaba added that through these word construction, it can contribute a lot in our Filipino Vocabulary/Language. This is not actually the first time that a new way of speaking crossed our culture,, we also have this "CONYO" dialect being used by those high-profiled and rich people and the "SWARDINGS" used by Gays.
On my end, I'm not against Jejemon, nor amI one of them, I believe everyone has theirown freedom of speech which is indicated in our National Constitution. Everyone cn speak a Language to convey their feelings and thoughts as long as they are being understood by other people, we don't actually need to discrimintae these people, and for the Jejebuster as what I have read and heard, I cannot believe that we Filipino's can discriminate our own kind. Sometimes a question is left un-answered in my thoughts. Is it the jejemon who has a low IQ or those people who cannot decrypt the words behind the minds of Jejemons. I will leave this question for you guys to answer.
P.S. you can leave your message or answer on my blog entry. Thanks!
added: June 20, 2010planned: May-June 2010
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