Pen on paper, again. Just feel like writing my thoughts today. It’s been quite some time when I posted an entry on my BLOG.
I’m thinking of the New Position I’ll be occupying, I think I need to prepare myself, for it is true that “with great power, comes great responsibility.” And I don’t know if I can still apply my “Come what May beliefs.”
I actually wanted this, before I was a step close, but then some stupid actions of mine made it like a thousand miles away and back then It made me feel I was carrying a heavy baggage of stupidity. I thought it was the end of my stay in PCCW, but still thanks to the LORD he never deserted me, and to those people who believed in me…:’C
Now, nothing is against my way I’m already there, but why am I feeling this way. It’s not being “Emo” or anything and I don’t think that this feeling is regret (or maybe because of the Pizza Party on Monday and I won’t be part of. Geez, Haha! Kidding)
I guess I’ll just miss these people, my teammates, SEAP. Those people I love. I’m just so attached with them. Though I know changes is good and is actually healthy for Personality Development. And come to think of it I already have friends in CTS.
I just need to hope for the best, along with GOD’s guidance. ;)
Listening to “Love the way you Lie” by Eminem & Rihanna followed by Billionaire covers by Glee Cast. Last day as Tier1 Agent April 13, 2009 to November 19, 2010.
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